What would it look like if you put yourself first?

For me, it wasn’t until I finally put myself first that I started to build a six-figure coaching business, enjoy a shorter work week, freedom to go on vacation, spend time with my family, and take Friday afternoons off. 

My life didn’t always look this way, though.

I spent too many years stumbling without a plan, struggling massively with low self-worth + poor mental health. Feeling stuck, alone, and in complete chaos.

After too many years of doing exactly what I thought I was supposed to do, I found myself broke, in a job that no longer brought me joy, in a marriage that was falling apart, and with a looming cancer diagnosis - all with two little kids under 10…

… there were so many times where I was ready to give up and throw in the towel. 

Now, over a decade later, I have a thriving six-figure business, two published books, thousands of clients across the world, and a homelife that honestly puts a smile on my face every day.

 So how’d I do it?

Even when I was in incredible physical and emotional pain, I made a commitment to remove the toxins from my body, my life, and my soul.

The first step I took was to assess

My Core Desires & Needs

In other words, I got clear on what I wanted out of life. The business I wanted to build. The money I wanted to make. The vacations I wanted to take. And most importantly, the kind of love I wanted to give and receive.

This became my purpose.

On the other side of adversity is purpose.

The second step I took was to create my



This was a contract I wrote to myself. It was filled with things that I absolutely would not budge on - like scheduling in extra time to spend with my kids or by myself. 

Or finding a spouse that was a true partner in life.

I committed to each item every day which fueled my recovery and paved the way for real change to manifest in my life.

After that, I worked hard to stay focused and show up for myself every. single. day.

As I started to do the self-work, these core desires began to show up in real ways. By leaving a job that no longer brought me joy and removing myself from a toxic relationship, I started to build a new and stronger version of myself.

This is when my core desires started showing up in small ways, day by day, as I became healthier and more in tune with my purpose.

The biggest shifts happened when I went from a place of scarcity to abundance. Rather than focusing on the negative parts of my life, I focused on what was working. Gratitude became my love language.

And it was in this space that I found the love of my life. A true partner in life and a love that was deeper and more pure than I ever thought possible.

And then, the money started to flow in. I made my first 5k within a few months and kept building from there. For a girl who used to live paycheck to paycheck, this was like winning the lottery.


My greatest transformation

was realizing I was in control.

And while the extra love and income were amazing after years of struggle and chaos, what really transformed my life was the feeling like I was finally in the driver’s seat - I was finally living a life with purpose.


You’ll most likely find me elbows deep in my garden or binge-reading a good book.

But what really motivates me today is helping other women to find true joy in their businesses, health, and relationships. It is possible to thrive in all 3 areas at the same time and I can’t wait to link arms and show you how.

As a Life, Health, & Business Coach, my mission is to create a space for female entrepreneurs to show up real and raw so they can build the life, wealth, and health they've always dreamt of having. I help women to dream and do by developing sustainable habits, getting out of their own way, and stepping into their life's purpose.

I am a multi - 6 figure earner with thousands of customers around the globe. I achieved the top rank within my company in just 5 years. On the outside, I've got the house, the kids, a beautiful marriage, the business success, and more. But, it wasn’t always that way.

I praise my higher power for the life I get to live and the people I get to live it with. It's more than the car, the trip, or the house - it's about really creating that sweet spot where dreams and reality collide.

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