8 Practical Ways to Show Kindness Each Day
Since we were tiny tikes, we were taught to be kind by our parents, teachers, and anyone who had an influence on us and wanted the best for us. They encouraged us to make good choices and to be a nice human.
I have been talking all month about the scientific benefits gratitude, compassion, and kindness have on us and those around us.
A consistent attitude of gratitude will compel us to show compassion and kindness. It will benefit the recipients of our actions (as well as us) and anyone who witnesses our kind acts.
The results of the study performed by Helen Weng found that kindness can actually be taught. “It’s kind of like weight training… we found people can actually build up their compassion ‘muscle’ and respond to others’ suffering with care and a desire to help,” she says.
So, in a nutshell, the more we practice, the better we will become.
And I think the most intriguing thing about kindness is that it’s contagious (no mask required). The effects of kindness have such a ripple effect that goes beyond the initial act.
Here’s the deal. We are naturally wired to be kind… but sometimes it just requires a little thought and focused intentionality.
When someone witnesses a kind act, it will not only improve their mood, but more than likely, it will compel them to pay it forward.
One simple act of kindness can affect the lives of so many people.
We know we should be kind, but in the hustle and bustle of our cRaZy, hectic American lives, we forget to treat people with respect.
So, here are some practical ways you and your family can demonstrate compassion and kindness to others.
8 Practical Ways to Show Kindness Each Day
Make a phone call – It’s so easy to send a text. We do it all day, er’y day. When is the last time you picked up the phone and called someone just because? A voice-to-voice conversation is a great way to connect to friends and loved ones. Who in your life needs that special touch today?
Look people in the eye and say “please” and “thank you” – Using your manners by saying “please” and “thank you” can change the tone of any request. And saying “thank you” is a simple way to reaffirm someone and express your appreciation.
Smile generously – It’s hard to be upset when you’re smiling. If you don’t believe me, try it. It’s contagious.
Hug often – Of course, I would encourage you to ask permission… because pandemic. But if this ornery virus has proven anything, it has shown us that people crave touch and interaction with other people.
Write a note or send a card “just because” – For the most part, birthday and holiday cards are still somewhat of a tradition, but sending someone a random note or card in the mail just to say “I care,” never gets old.
Extend a helping hand to others – Often the smallest acts of kindness can have the most significant impact. Hold the door for someone, help a neighbor unload their groceries, buy the person behind you in line a cup of coffee, etc.
Share some baked goods with someone – For real, who doesn’t love a sweet treat now and then? Surprise a neighbor, your mailman, local police department, children’s teachers, etc. with some lovin’ from your oven.
Let someone step ahead of you in line – So what if it sets you back a few minutes? It just might be a break in the day that person needed. Be sure to smile while you’re at it.
I would love to hear some acts of kindness you and your family make an intentional effort to show to others.
Come share your ideas in the comments of today’s Facebook post.
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