How to Manifest Success in Your Network Marketing Business
WOW. I was familiar with this exercise, but I had never been open to the idea. To be honest, it seemed a little, well… woo-woo to me.
In a conversation with my business coach, we discussed where I wanted to go with my business. We talked about my vision and some specific goals necessary to make that vision a reality.
At the end of our time together, she gave me an assignment. She asked me to write a letter from the perspective of my future self explaining what life was like in 90 days, 1 year, 3 years, etc.
Mmmmm hmmmmm… yours truly chose 5 years. Because why not???
But oh, sister…
This letter from my future self was one of the most motivating and inspiring things I have done in a while for my business.
It opened up my mind to so many ideas, possibilities, and opportunities.
One of the most incredible things about writing a letter from my future self was that it felt like it was actually happening… simply because there wasn’t an option for it not to happen.
My approach to planning for the future has always been to sit down and make a plan with strategic action steps… and then create my vision based on the plan I had created.
But shut the freakin’ front door. Writing a letter from the perspective of my future self made me realize I had been going about this process all wrong. Sister, I had it completely bass-ackwards.
Writing down your hopes, dreams, and aspirations as future facts is such a life giving experience.
Not only will it help you see that the vision you cast for yourself is attainable, but the positive energy and emotion generated from the letter will fuel your motivation to work toward your goals.
Now, please don’t misunderstand. There is nothing magical about this exercise. We’re not talking about some name it, claim it, blab it, grab it sort of ideology or approach. You have to put in the work.
But it will help you identify where you’re going and what you need to do to get there… in that order.
Do you know what successful people have in common? Most of them have manifested their success.
You can manifest your success in your network marketing business.
Success… it’s such a quirky word. It carries such an individualized concept, yet everybody uses it.
You and I both talk about success, but what success means to me and what it means to you can be two totally different things. Not only is that OK, but it is GOOD.
The freedom to choose what your success looks like is just one of the beautiful elements of Network Marketing.
I encourage you to write a letter from the perspective of your future self. Choose a date in the months or years ahead and imagine what it is you want to be doing and what it feels like to be doing those things.
Don’t hold back. Actively engage your emotions as you dream and write.
Once you have established your vision, then it’s time to make a plan with strategic action steps that will get you there.
Dream on, sister.
And if you’re open to trying on a little vulnerability, come share a summary of your letter with us in the Essentials for Network Marketing Facebook group (if you aren’t a member yet, you can join here. It’s a great opportunity for some accountability and encouragement from a committed group of women who want success for you.