It Wasn’t Supposed To Be This Way… What Now?
Feel you’ve been tossed into a life size bag of Shake N Bake coating (Rona says, “And I helped.”) and the shaker just keeps on shakin’?
Yeah, me too.
And August, where the heck did you come from? I’m not sure if I am surprised to see you, sorry to see you or just don’t know what to freakin’ to do with you.
Typically, we would be enjoying the last hoorah of summer and preparing for a new school year.
I don’t know about you, friend, but I’m not sure what I need to be doing to prepare or what I’m even preparing for.
I have a feeling you’re catching what I’m throwing.
The new school year will look so different for everyone. Some schools are preparing for all butts in seats, while others are offering a virtual option in addition to campus learning. Many families have even decided to homeschool.
We all know that decisions made today can change tomorrow.
In a normal (that is sooooo yesteryear) world, I’m sure you have plans and expectations of what life will be like when everyone resumes their Fall routines.
Mike and I have three college aged girls and let me just tell you we have some big plans and hefty expectations when they fly from this coo-coo’s nest. Insert 2020… can she just be hindsight already?
Whether you have school age children, college students or a combination of both in your family mix, the new reality of what is ahead is overwhelming. And, if we’re being completely transparent, a little disappointing, too… or a lot.
Ah heck, I wanted to go on a vacation with my husband, but we now have grown adults living with us for who knows how long. That kind of changes things… in a lot of ways.
Raw and real Kacie is not afraid to admit to you that there is a heaviness and even some dread in how the next several months (or year) will play out for our family. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
But… it is what it is, right?
Maybe you’re feeling like your “sweet spot” has been tainted with a shot of persimmon juice. Oh, I get you, sister. I get you like peanut butter gets jelly and mac gets cheese.
Your plans and expectations, whatever they are, have been yanked out from underneath you and “sweet” is the last thing you’re tasting right now.
But I encourage you with this, even though you’re feeling a bit sour right now because life is not going the way you planned, you don’t have to stay all puckered up butter-cup.
When we bite into something sour, our tendency is to counteract it with something sweet. If you are currently in the crux of some bitter circumstances, I encourage you to do the same.
Thwart the tart with the things that are within your control and rediscover your sweet spot once again.
It’s still there, I promise. It just may look a little different from what you had expected.
And that’s ok.
Could you use a little extra encouragement or some gentle affirmation that you are not wandering this path alone?
Come join the party on my Facebook page where there is plenty of encouragement and affirmation to go around. We can’t wait to meet you.