OVERCOME Your OVERWHELM With These 4 Practical Steps

Calling all mamas, wives, women, business owners, etc. 

Do you ever find yourself in a place where the only thing you felt you did well that day was breathe? 

Oh girl, been there… done that… probably more times than I have popped the cork on a bottle of wine. Ok, maybe not that many times, but you get me. 

A couple months ago as I was working through the Tony Robbins 5 Day Business Mastery Program, I found myself paralyzed in a debilitating state of overwhelm and fear. 

Like seriously, folks. I felt “crippled” by the saturation of alllllll the things in my life. 

These emotions seem to be as contagious as the respiratory droplets our famous villain, Rona-Corona, flaunts all over the place. We’re all feelin’ them.

While I was working to navigate through this burden of overwhelmbecause I sure as heck wasn’t gonna stay there… the action I needed to take hit me like a stale biscuit right upside the head. I swear I was surrounded by an instant cloud of flour dust. 

As women, we naturally take on the responsibility of a variety of roles… we’re good that way. 

Because we wear the hats of wife, mom, daughter, friend, business owner, employee, SAHM/WAHM (stay/work-at-home-mom)etc., it’s so easy to fall into that place of overwhelm and literally feel like our head is spinning out of control. 

Are you ready for my “stale biscuit” theory of how to turn the rudders and lighten the load on what feels like a submerging ship? 

Awesome. I thought you might be.

Here are 4 practical steps to help you OVERCOME your OVERWHELM.

STEP 1: Departmentalize your life by defining your roles. Determine what each one looks like and their significance in your life. How do you want to show up?

STEP 2: Pull out the things in each role that are important to you. Get clear on what you really want to be doing and break them down into manageable pieces.  Spend intentional time on each every day. 

STEP 3: Clean your space. Clear the clutter and the chaos, including the things that had value pre-COVID, but are no longer necessary. Then, organize your home in a way that is super functional and easily accessible. 

STEP 4: Erase your entire calendar. Yep, sister, you read that right. Wipe that sucker clean and give yourself a fresh slate so you can get freakin’ clear on what you want your life to look like moving forward. 

I would never encourage you to do or try something I haven’t first tried myself. 

This. Process. Works. 

I can’t even explain to you the relief I have experienced and the weight that has been lifted after completing this 4-Step process. I could have belted out the Hallelujah Chorus with the best of them. It has been that good.  

I want that for YOU.

If you haven’t read my book, “The Sweet Spot”, then sister, I can’t think of a sweeter time than right now for you to do so. 

After you put my “Stale Biscuit Theory” to the test, your clear perspective and clean slate will open the door for that sweet, sweet spot that is waiting for you. All you have to do is look for it. 

Pick up your copy of “The Sweet Spot” here and I will show you everything you need to know about enjoying life to its fullest.


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