The Sweet Spot


It’s entirely possible to find harmony in life and business… without sacrificing one for the other.

Are you ready to:

  • Feel passionate about your life & business again

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

  • Have the tools to carry hardships with grace

  • Make yourself a priority without feeling guilty

“Stop shrinking to fit places you’ve outgrown.”

Furama Joyce


What you will

Talk about the transformations they will experience in your program here.

I bring soul-driven and imperfect women together to have conversations that aren’t happening enough so we can finally break through.


About the

Talk about the actual program details here. Course content, habit forming and mindset shifting exercises, how many coaching calls, 90 days of sisterhood after the program is over to help apply the new habits

“A real woman is… anything she wants to be.”

“insert testimonial here”

— testimonial name here

Let me help
you find

Your Sweet Spot