Build a Successful Network Marketing Business in a Delicate Economy

Is it possible to build a successful network marketing business in such a delicate economy? 

It abso-freakin’-lutely is.

You want to know what else is possible? Starting fresh with that entrepreneurial flame that once lit you up, but was choked out by self doubt or fear of what others might think.

Here’s a little secret I’ll throw in for free. We wouldn’t worry so much about what people think of us if we knew how little they did. Freeing, huh?

Confession time. Do you know what frustrates me the most about the direct sales industry? The number of women who jump in feet first for all the wrong reasons, that’s what. 

They buy into the free trips and fancy car vision. And, out of desperation, they sacrifice their character and integrity to do whatever it takes to get that next sale or sign the newest member to their team.

Guess what? Reality eventually catches up with them. 

What’s even more frustrating for me are the women who leave network marketing for all the wrong reasons. They lack confidence in their credibility, fear their own success, or feel so unworthy of going after what they want. Perhaps a little of all the above.

There is one decision that could prevent any network marketer from throwing in the towel prematurely. 

What outcome do you want from network marketing that you don’t already have?

I’ve chosen my words carefully here. I’m not asking a general question like, “Hey girl, what do you want out of this Network Marketing gig, anyway?” I’m looking for specifics.

Outcomes are not the same as goals. 

For example, a goal could be a new car. An outcome is like a BMW convertible that sets the stage for some of the sexiest moments of your marriage atop a seaside cliff under a full moon. Do you see the difference?

The foundation of a successful network marketing business begins with getting crystal clear on the outcomes you want.

Without clarity, you will feel unsettled and unprepared. And as you push to move forward, you will do so with all the wrong intentions. 

When you are confident about your ultimate outcome, you’re not afraid to talk to family and friends about your business. 

You look forward to getting up every morning to do what needs to be done in your business. And eventually, you will develop wisdom and discernment regarding the next steps necessary to catapult your business to the next level. 

Let’s talk more about outcomes and how clarity can point you toward building a successful network marketing business, starting with a vision board. A vision board is a collection of pictures and words that represent your desired outcome.

If you design it with clear intention (hello, outcome clarity), it will direct and motivate you into action. 

Intentional action always pursues a specific outcome.

Whether it’s the business you’re building, the people you’re hanging out with, the conversations you’re having, the way you’re spending your money, the person you’re becoming, everything you do falls into alignment with your intended outcome. 

Without a vision, you will live in a miserable space. You’ll be bored, despite the work you do, and drag through life like Sesame Street’s Snuffleupagus.

Where do you want to be tomorrow, in thirty days, in sixty days, in ninety days… heck, where do you see yourself in a year? 

Where do you see yourself with your spouse? With your kiddos? Where do you see your financial future?

Cast your vision in each of these areas and, for the love, be freakin’ intentional about it. 

Then, revisit it often so you don’t forget where you’re going AND so you can be reminded of how far you’ve come. 

Visualize the success of your business every day. I’m gonna say it loud for the sisters in the back… intention creates focus – focus leads to results

Vision boards are a guide to direct your steps as you build your marketing business.

Ok, so now that we are clear on where we’re headed, let’s talk about how we’re going to get there. 

While vision boards are extremely important, designing one isn’t a money making activity. It won’t bring results, add another zero to your paycheck, or bring buyers to your doorstep. 

In my first week as a network marketer, I figured out how much I needed to break away from my current situation. I needed $5,000 per month.

I spent time and energy figuring out what rank I needed to reach, the number of products I needed to sell, and the amount of contacts I needed to make.

I even knew how many enrollments and partners I needed to have. I took this information and sketched out a plan of what my monthly growth needed to look like in order for me to get to where I wanted to be. 

Like every other MLM newbie, I was inundated with the possibilities and potential of this industry. The benefits and perks were obviously appealing (you’ve heard them all), but I wanted to know how it was possible.

I read the book – Beach Money by Jordan Adler, a seven-figure network marketer. Yeah, she might know a thing or two about how to build a successful network marketing business. 

The best piece of advice this novice network marketer learned from her was this:

In order to create the residual income you desire, you must commit to a strategy for at least two straight years. 

I took her at her word and came up with a plan. I would talk to 5 to 8 new people every single week. 

And that’s exactly what I did for two consecutive years. Sister, I didn’t miss a week.

These numbers were not a compensation plan requirement. I chose those numbers based on the results I wanted. 

If you want to build a successful network marketing business, you must choose what’s best for YOU based on the results YOU want.

Sister, just dreaming, hoping, and even praying is not an effective strategy for building a successful network marketing business. 

Every single outcome you desire is tied to an activity that you DO.

You gotta do the do… and you must be consistent.

Most network marketers don’t make it through the first two years. In fact, many of them check out within the first 6 months. 

That is a stinkin’ shame, because the first six to nine months in this industry are a freakin’ sweet spot for momentum. 

Oh goodness, I could talk about effective strategies and my allegiance to this amazing industry all day long. But I have way too much to share in a single blog post.

If you want to hear more about my proven master plan for building a successful network marketing business, check out my book, The Essentials: Everything Women Need to Know to Make it as a Network Marketer  (under the “Read My Books” tab). 

FYI, I blow up and debunk every misconception there is about network marketing success. 

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. 

And you definitely want to download my FREE eBook, 101 Ways to Stay in Your Sweet Spot While Building Your Network Marketing Business. It’s full of practical tips essential to your network marketing success.


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