Essential Oils for When People Are Driving You Nuts

At the end of the day, which aromas calm you down is totally personal preference. For instance: I always gravitate toward anything floral, but I have friends who can’t stand those and always reach for citrus when they’re stressed.

The first thing to do is to interact with a lot of different oils and decide which ones light you up. Don’t try to like certain ones just because they’re supposed to be good for the situation. Any oil that takes you out of the moment and provides a sense of calm is perfect for the job.

Here are some of my go-to’s…

  • Jasmine

  • Breathe

  • Neroli

  • Wild Orange

  • Patchouli

  • Whisper

  • Serenity

What’s actually more important than your oil selection (they’re all good!) is how you use it. I could give tips about this all day, but I always come back to using your oils intuitively. If an oil smells good enough for you to bathe in, do it. If you want to take a deep, cleansing breath of it as soon as you unscrew the lid, do it.

These are some of the ways I use my go-to oils for emotional support…

  • Rub Wild Orange and Patchouli on my earlobes

  • Bathe in Whisper (just add a few drops to your Epson Salt)

  • Take a deep breath of Jasmine, Breathe, or Neroli

  • Add Neroli or Jasmine to my wrists as a perfume

  • Put Serenity in the diffuser (this is especially great at night)

  • Inhale Breathe, Whisper, Neroli, or Jasmine right out of the bottle

  • Add a few drops of any oil to my hands, cup them to my face, and take a deep breath

While some of those tips are topical, the fastest way to get oil support is to breathe it in. We know that as soon as it penetrates the mucous membrane (the lining of your nose, mouth, and other organs) we start to see results. So if you’re looking for a quick reset, the best thing to do is take a deep breath of your preferred oil.

Remember, you can use these tips and tricks once a year at the in-laws or daily to deal with co-workers. Don’t feel guilty for needing emotional support (even if it’s from your kiddos — been there, done that). This form of self-care allows you to bring your best self to every situation and keeps you cool, calm, and collected.


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