My Story

My Story

It’s only taken me 1,672 days to tell my story.  Not too shabby coming from a woman who has EVERY single reason to remain silent and avoid the possibility of humiliation. Lame, I know. But for some reason every single morning as I stare into the mirror and repeat my morning mantras, “I am beautiful. I am enough.” I just can’t seem to bring that message to the forefront.  Anyone else feel this way?

I’ve explored every single reason for my silence. I’m humble. My story is insignificant. I’m just a normal girl from Wyoming. Anyone can do what I do. Who am I to motivate? Everything has already been said. I’ve got blocks. Who is going to listen? How can I be real and raw without offending?

And then I stop.

1,672 days later I take a deep breath, open my computer, and begin to talk. 

Why the number? 1,672 days ago, my life changed. I was given a gift. It came in the form of a lump. Yes, you heard me right. A beautiful, cancerous lump. On March 6, 2013, amidst a divorce, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. Really God?

This WTF moment helped me to realize there’s got to be more to this life.

No more auto-pilot. No more settling. No more living with OK. 

There was absolutely no way I was going down like this.

You see…I had things to do.

So, I hit the road on a mission to find my best-self. Love on more people. And create hope in a world that could use a little something. My story isn’t always pretty, but it’s real and raw and sure to make you LYAO.

I’m married. I didn’t get it right the first time, so I tried again. Score. My soulmate found me sitting at an airport bar in Phoenix and literally swept me off my feet. He was traveling. I was fighting cancer. We sparked a conversation and the rest is history.  (love story to come- it’s juicy)

I’m a mom. Not the best, but definitely not the worst. I have 2 really cool kids I gave birth to whom teach me something new daily…like patience.  And 4 really cool kids I didn’t give birth to whom also teach me things daily…like unconditional love. Our blended family is chaotic.  5 girls and 1 lonely boy.  It’s a work in progress. (This story is definitely real and raw)

I own my own business. No, I didn’t pull the lucky straw, although it has provided me with financial freedom. Working hard is part of who I am. It’s my Wyoming blood. If you set a goal-achieve it. If you are smart- find people to join in the fun. After 7 years of college, I’m so grateful that I finally figured out being my OWN boss is the best choice.  (Let’s just call this an adventure)

Ya…I survived cancer. Ya…I’m a mom. Ya…I’m a successful business owner. And Ya…I married my soul-mate. 

Really, I’m just a ray of hope.  I’m here to make you laugh, cry, and force you to get off your behind and take massive action. Cause guess what…THERE IS MORE TO THIS LIFE.


Forget Balance. Go for Great.


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