Prioritize Your To-Do List With This Simple Hack

“I don’t have time to do the things I know I want to do – and need to do.”

I’ve said it. You’ve said it. We’ve all uttered (or yelled) these words… more than twice in our adult life. 

Well, I call “bull crap”. 

Sorry… no, not sorry at all. 

Here’s the deal. Regardless of what you do for a paycheck, your menopausal stage, what day you do laundry, the label on your wine bottle, or how often you buy new socks, we all have the same amount of time – 24 hours, 7 times a week

The difference lies in how you choose to spend the 1440 minutes each day.

The keyword here is choose

What this really means is that YOU WILL MAKE TIME FOR THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO

Yeah, I’m dishing out the sucker punches today, aren’t I? New year… same me. (insert winky face)

But for real, it’s the dang truth. You complain about your “busy” like it’s some badge of honor (same sister… same), but the truth is we do it to ourselves. 

No one ever asks Google, “How do I fill up my calendar”. We’ve got that one figured out.

Here’s a thought. If you complain about it, then maybe it’s not worthy of your time after all? I’m just sayin’…

So, enough with the lecture. Let’s talk about time management and life application. 

Now that we are on the same page and recognize that everyone has an equal amount of time, we can address the most critical part: 

How will you choose to use the time you have?

But before you roll out that to-do list and search for the latest online calendar printable to hang on your fridge, let’s first find out exactly where you are spending your time.

For two weeks, I want you to run a time audit on your current schedule and routines. Keep track of everything you do in a day. Seriously, write it down… all of it.

WARNING: It is shocking to realize the amount of time we waste. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you.)

Then really examine where you are spending your time. Doing this gives you great insight into the tasks, responsibilities, events, and time suckers you need to delegate, cultivate, or eliminate. 

I can’t think of a better time than the beginning of a new year to get laser focused on the things that matter most to you. 

Next, make a comprehensive list of those things, whether they be tasks, goals, relationships you want to prioritize, etc. If you need to, organize them into specific categories: work, business, home, family, personal, etc. 

Finally, figure out what you need to do to make these things a priority. Do you need to get up a little earlier, stay up a little later? Limit your time on Social Media? Remove certain distractions? Do what ya’ gotta do, sister. 

Once you are clear on what you want, then create a plan and take action. You know what they say… “A plan without action is not a plan. It’s just a speech.”

Could you use a little encouragement, maybe some accountability, or perhaps a good ol’ kick in the bum to get you motivated for a fresh start? 

Come connect with us in our Facebook and Instagram communities that’s full of women ready to cheer you on. 

I’ll see you there.


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