Let’s Get Real and Build a Supportive Community of Women Entrepreneurs

As a coach and entrepreneur, I’ve been reflecting a lot about what these terms mean to the virtual community of women wanting to start, develop, or expand their businesses.

To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling exhausted by the image of perfection that is often portrayed in the entrepreneurial space.

You know what I mean

It seems like everywhere I look, there are entrepreneurs with immaculate homes, picture-perfect families, designer clothes, flawless bodies, and six figure incomes. 

Don’t get me wrong - if this is what drives you and this is what you’ve worked to accomplish, then I am HERE to celebrate YOU and your wins.

But, hear me out. 

I’ve started to wonder lately if when we only celebrate our wins or share images from our personal life when everything looks perfect, maybe we end up isolating the realness inside all of us. 

While I appreciate the drive and dedication that goes into creating such a perfect image, I can’t help but wonder, at what cost.

The pressure to be perfect is overwhelming, and it’s not just coming from the outside. Entrepreneurs themselves are often their own worst critics, constantly striving to meet impossibly high standards of success, productivity, and appearance. It’s exhausting and it’s not sustainable. 

As entrepreneurs, we got rid of the 9-5 hustle culture to spend more time with the people we love and the passions that drive us.
Or that’s the goal.

Instead, we spend too much time focusing on how successful and perfect our businesses and personal lives look on the outside that we can sometimes forget about what truly motivates us. 

But what is actually causing us to strive for this picture of perfection? 

Social media is one of the greatest motivators and inspirations for many of us to find success as an entrepreneur. But it’s also a great catalyst for feelings of professional imperfection that lead to so many new business owners to abandon their goals. 

Comparing ourselves to others through social media is literally causing us to fail or quit, before really getting going. 

And, sister, I’m so over comparing myself to others and I’m ready to start celebrating every bump, hurdle, crash, sprint, and win along my entrepreneurial journey. How about you? 

If you’re with me, I suggest we get real and support the different phases and seasons we’re all sitting in - even if that season is incredibly hard.

I want to commit to celebrating the wins but also acknowledging the failures. I don’t merely want to pick myself up in silence.

As entrepreneurs we’re so good at that.
I want to tell you about the moments where I feel like I’ve failed and I want to hear the same from you!

I want to create a space where everyone, no matter where you are as an entrepreneur can feel safe, welcomed, supported, and celebrated. 

I want to build a community for women entrepreneurs.

My goal is that this community will grow and welcome business owners at any stage of their journey. Whether they’re just starting out and making $50 a month or have been working with clients or customers for a few decades, making six or seven figures. 

I see this space as a place of honesty and respect and cannot wait to build this community together with you…

… starting right now. 

So here I go. It’s time to get real.

Lately, I’ve been feeling really crappy. Life has not been super easy and, while I’m used to wearing many hats, I’ve wanted to sit with the mom, daughter, and self-care hats on for a little too long. 

All while my business and entrepreneur hats collect dust in the corner. 

I’ve personally wanted to give up and crawl into bed day after day and just take rest…

… and I admit that some days that’s literally all I’ve done . 

But, I’m ready to start moving forward. To pick myself up, dust myself off, and start kicking ass again. 

Because that’s what we do. As entrepreneurs and women, our greatest strength is our resilience and ability to work through the difficult times and to overcome obstacles. 

Look, it’s not easy. It really isn’t. But I think it’s important to share how difficult life can be at times and how much of a struggle it is to just get out of bed some days.

Here’s the revolutionary idea. 

I think it’s time that we all celebrate the crappy times too. Because whether we plan for them or not, they come and they teach us something. 

So rather than pushing away the difficult moments and shoving the mess off to the side, I say we share these moments just as frequently with our community as we share the wins. 

Share the messy houses, the clutter, the heartbreak, the feelings of failure. 

Because I guarantee you if you’re feeling this way, there’s at least two other people who are feeling something similar and would love a virtual space to sit in. 

Because life is messy and being a woman entrepreneur isn’t just about hitting six figures and working while on vacation. 

It’s about building a career that fits your life, that allows you to rest in the difficult times and hustle in the good. To celebrate the wins and learn from the setbacks. 

It’s about finding a path that works for you and makes you feel fulfilled and empowered. 

It’s about holding up and celebrating other women entrepreneurs, no matter where you fit in that space. 

And I mean it. 

So whether you’re making $150 a month making sugar cookies for different holiday events or $15,000 a month coaching other amazing women entrepreneurs like yourself, this community is for you. 

The thing is, I don’t really care how much you make, to be honest, I just care about how you’re showing up for yourself and taking the time you need to enjoy the season you’re in. 

Because whatever you’re doing to move the needle within your personal life, sister, you’re going to benefit from that. 

Now let’s show the rest of the world that we don’t have to be perfect to be successful. 


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