Unlocking your true potential with a life audit

Okay, I’ve been hearing a lot lately about women who are feeling like failures for ditching the path they’re on, even when they’re feeling stuck and desperate for a change. 

So let me set the record straight and tell you that this idea is bogus. 

Maybe you’ve felt similarly? 

Maybe you’ve felt like you’re stuck in a rut or that you’re merely going through the motions, trudging through the current path you’re on?

You know that feeling that you’re not really living but simply existing. Maybe you’re waiting for the next great thing, afraid to make a change because you feel committed to whatever it is that’s holding you in that space…

…maybe you feel like if you change course now, you’ve failed.

Here’s the thing. Commitment and dependability are important, but not if they are making you feel trapped. 

A few years ago I was in a total life rut. Everything I was doing seemed like it was on track with what I had been building toward. And yet, I felt empty. 

There was no zest.

The thing is, my life was where it was supposed to be. I was doing exactly what I had been building toward and what I thought I wanted… 

…but something was missing. 

I have to admit, I didn’t clue in to the fact that something was missing for some time. I simply went through the motions, feeling emptier and emptier until it finally clicked. 

I finally realized that I don’t have to feel the way I was feeling anymore.

I realized that I am allowed to make a change whenever I need to. 

You see, I worked so hard to get to the place that I was in that it felt wrong to admit that it wasn’t working anymore.

But let me tell you, I was so incredibly wrong about that. 

Now pay attention.

Admitting that you need a change - no matter how big or small - is the best thing you can do for yourself. Sticking to things that make you miserable does more harm than good. 

More importantly, making a change for my own happiness doesn’t make me a failure, it makes me human.

So here’s what I’ve come up with. 

It’s this little tool that I use whenever things feel off, funky, crummy, or just plain old blah. 

I call it a life-audit. 

And it’s a simple step-by-step guide that helps me realign my goals and refocus my energy on the things that truly drive me. 

Now I know what you’re thinking. 

A life-audit sounds intimidating and quite frankly like a lot of work, but it really isn’t. At least, it isn’t more work than what I know you’re capable of.

I’ve noticed that a lot of women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s get into a similar obligation rut. 

Like they need to stay the course simply because they said yes to the job, took on the big renovation, or married the wrong person.

But you know what, sticking to things simply because you agreed to them at one stage of your life is only good if it’s still making you happy. 

And if it isn’t, who is it benefitting?

But when we focus on the things that really drive us, we start to thrive. 

So if you’re feeling like your life needs a shift, I recommend doing your own life-audit and reconnect to the things, the people, and the experiences that make you feel alive. 

But in order to truly feel connected and re-aligned, you need to first connect to a physical space that makes you feel calm, centered, and, well, happy. 

This could be your favorite walking trail, your meditation pillow, or church. Maybe it’s while you’re cooking dinner or driving in the country. The key here is that it should be wholly and intimately you. 

Now, when you’re in this space and free from distractions, start to ask yourself some tough questions. 

  1. What do you truly value about life? 

  2. Who do you love spending time with? 

  3. What are your goals and your dreams? Do you live in alignment with these goals and dreams? 

The answers that come up may surprise you - I know they surprised me at first. Before I did my life-audit, I had been so focused on my career and my family, hardly taking the time to step back and realize what I wanted to do, who I wanted to work with, and how I wanted to spend my precious free time. 

But here’s the biggest lesson I took away during my life audit. 

It’s okay to fail. Sigh. 

Do you feel that? I know I did. 

But once I realized that it was okay to let go of the decisions I had made for myself years before, and ‘fail’ by not finishing what I started, a whole world of possibility opened up for me. 

I no longer had to be the wife I thought I was or stay in the career that was dragging me down…

… I honestly felt free for the first time in a long time. 

Failure is freedom. Sometimes when we let go of the effort and we let things fall apart, the best stuff shows up. 

Trust me. 

From failure, I discovered new passions, new relationships, and new potential. 

I was no longer the Kacie that I thought I was supposed to be. 

I was the Kacie that I was meant to be. 

Look, we’re meant to reassess, realign, and re-envision the life we want frequently. It’s human nature to change our minds based on our current circumstances. 

And sister, let me tell you, it’s never too late to make changes to pursue your dreams. 

Through this experience, I’ve come to realize that a life audit can be an incredibly empowering and transformative process. 

It can help you gain clarity on what truly matters to you and give you the motivation and direction to take action towards the life you desire. 

Are you intrigued yet? 

Look, it’s hard work but if you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your own life, I encourage you to do a life audit for yourself. 

It’s a powerful tool that can help you create a life that works for you. 

Remember, it’s okay to change course from time to time. Life is a journey, and sometimes we need to take a detour to get to where we truly want to be. 




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