How to Experience Freedom & Success as an Entrepreneur

I could not wait until my youngest child, Sulli, turned 5 years old. He could go to school… and I could go to work. Thank you, Jesus. 

As a mama of littles, I was not only desperate for some “me time”, but I craved the opportunity to create my own identity and establish a sense of purpose for myself beyond the poster mom of yoga pants, messy bun and a spit-up stained wardrobe. 

Now, please don’t misunderstand. I love my babies and I do not take the privilege of motherhood for granted. It is one of the greatest things since Grandma’s sugar cookies.

But, I don’t think there is anything wrong with a woman desiring a life of purpose and fulfillment in addition to her prestigious role as wife and mother. 

As women, there is an ongoing internal struggle between our desire to want more for ourselves and the guilt of feeling like we are taking away from our family.

When a woman becomes a mother, she automatically assumes the role of chief nurturer… and by default, this becomes her identity. But, at some point in her life, as she desires change or wants to explore different opportunities outside of the home, she becomes burdened with so much guilt. 

Why the heck is that? 

Well friend, I will tell you why. 

Society has duped us into thinking a successful career (whether by choice or necessity) only takes place within the confines of a 9 to 5 arrangement. 

We just assume we must have a traditional 9 to 5 career to be successful because society “says so.”  

Sister, this conversation doesn’t come up enough. The idea that we can’t have the same success that comes with a traditional 9 to 5 is such a far-fetched idea to me… unhealthy on so many levels. 

I can speak to you from experience about the opportunity for success in a non-traditional career. But it doesn’t stop there. You better hold on to your coffee cup, friend, because we’re going deeper than success.

Besides an incredible opportunity for the success you desire, you can enjoy a flexibility and time freedom that rarely accompanies a 9 to 5.

When I was a University professor, I knew there was a cap on my earning potential… unless I wanted to take on more courses. That was a big fat no because I was already carrying what they considered a “full load”.

I was exhausted every single night and just because I was home and not at work, didn’t mean there wasn’t work to do.  

I wanted to work. I wanted the opportunity to contribute to my family’s finances. I desired a sense of purpose outside of the home. But I also desired the freedom from the mom guilt I was experiencing. I longed for the chance to create and manipulate my schedule.

They say, “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.” But, I disagree when it comes to a woman desiring a career AND wanting to be the best wife and mother she can be to her family. 

The best decision I ever made for myself and for my family was leaving my traditional 9 to 5 and joining the Network Marketing Industry. 

Sweet friend, hear my heart when I say that network marketing is the best choice for the woman who wants it all… both family and career. 

I absolutely LOVE being able to manipulate my schedule, my priorities, and my paycheck. 

I get to decide what my job looks like and who I work with. I get to decide how much time I spend working and where I work. I get to show up and do what I am good at. No one else gets to make those choices for me. 

How about you, sister? Are you ready to navigate away from your traditional 9 to 5 and explore the success and freedoms available to you as an entrepreneur? O maybe you’ve been at home full time and you’re ready to explore some different career opportunities outside of the home. 

Whatever your reason is for desiring change, I want to encourage you in that. Change is good and there is absolutely nothing wrong with desiring it. In fact, you might want to check your pulse if you don’t desire a little of it now and then. 

If 2022 is your year of change, all I can say is it’s sure good to be you, sister. 

My team and I have been sitting on something extraordinary and it is going to absolutely change the face of network marketing and how it is done. I would love for you to come be a part of it. 

Oh goodness, I can hardly wait to let the cat out of the bag.

If you want to be one of the first to hear what we have up our sleeve, subscribe to our weekly email newsletter for the latest updates…I promise not to share your information with anyone. 

If you haven’t already done so, download my latest FREE resource: 101 Ways to Stay in Your Sweet Spot While Building Your Network Marketing Business.


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