Why Self-Care is Essential for Success
Nobody said it would be easy… but no one said it would be this hard either.
I get it. You consistently deal with unusual work hours (it might be “five o’clock somewhere”, sister, but that doesn’t mean your workday is over… hello, CEO), fear of failure, unpredictable income, limited face-to-face interaction, etc.
Lack of sleep, stress, and burnout fuel the American work culture, all in the name of “getting ahead”. But eventually, your creativity, productivity, and ability to make good decisions suffer the consequences of the grind.
It is easy to become so zeroed-in on nurturing your business that you forget about nurturing yourself; such is the plight of every entrepreneur, right?
Listen up…
Self-care is essential to your success as an entrepreneur.
I cannot emphasize this enough. As a business owner, if you never take time to rest, fuel, and enjoy something for yourself, then there is no way you can expect to grow your business, let alone lead your team or anyone else working with you.
The only way to ensure success (and avoid burnout) is to make self-care a priority.
Now, before you try to compete with my teenagers in an eye-roll fest, I’m not suggesting you check out for an hour every day and spend money on lavish treats or pampering. Not at all.
I am referring to any habit, action, or behavior that you incorporate into your daily routine simply because they give you fuel for your day and put a smile on your face.
Self-care: Any type of activity that helps you improve and maintain your physical, mental, and emotional health.
These activities help you feel healthy, rested, and ready to tackle your work and responsibilities.
For example, if you were to open up my daily planner, you would see that I incorporate self-care activities at least eight times throughout my day… and I don’t leave the house OR spend a dime on any of it. Here are some examples:
Start my day with some quiet time for spiritual/emotional healing
Meal plan/cook
Walks with my dogs
Soak in the tub
It’s the super simple things I do on purpose every single day that help me show up as a business owner, leader, wife, mother, friend, etc.
I know what you’re thinking…
“How in the freakin’ world do I find time to fit any of those things into my day?”
I get it. You don’t feel you have enough time to accomplish what you need to do, let alone what you want to do.
And my response is this…
Instead of trying to find more hours in the day, evaluate the way you choose to spend the ones that you have.
Make some business phone calls while you stroll your neighborhood or walk your dog. Listen to an audiobook while you’re cooking dinner. Listen to a podcast on your lunch break instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media.
Heck, I’ve attended a Zoom meeting (or two… or ten) while weeding my garden. It works.
In America, we brag about our “hustle and grind”, lack of sleep, and packed calendars.
Yet we wonder why so many are dealing with stress, burnout, health concerns, mental health struggles, etc.
Self-care can help in so many ways. It can reduce your stress level, boost productivity, improve your mental health, clarity, and creativity.
And that is where you’ll find, what I call, your sweet spot. Why wouldn’t you want to make self-care a priority?
As an entrepreneur, self-care isn’t an option. It’s essential.
I have a FREE list of 101 Essential Secrets for Entrepreneurial Success that will help you implement self-care into your daily routine. Be sure to download your copy today because your success is counting on it.